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Showing posts with the label .NET 4.0

Playing with a .NET types definition

In the last few days I spent some time trying to unify structure of one of the project I`m currently working on. Most of the changes were about changing variable types because it`s were not used right way. That is why in this post I want to share my observations and practices with you. First of all we need to understand what ' variable definition ' is and how it`s different from ' variable initialization '. This part should be pretty straightforward:   variable definition  consist of data type and variable name only <data_type> <variable_name> ; for example int i ; . It`s important to understand how variable definition affects your code because it behaves differently depends weather you work with value or reference types. In the case of value types after defining variable it always has default value and it`s never null value. However after defined reference type variable without initializing it has null value by default. variable initialization  is

Creating API with MVC ApiController part 3 - moving to asynchronous code

In my two previous posts ( part 1 and part 2 ) I described both simple and more advance approach of creating Rest-full API in MVC 4. Today I want to take another step forward and go a little deeper  in the creation of API. In this post I`m going to describe how we can create asynchronous API functions which bring better performance to our applications. The first thing that need to be understand is an asynchronous operation in .NET Framework. In .NET Framework 4.0 one of the most important changed was introducing Task  class.The Tasks in System.Threading.Tasks namespace are a method of fine grained parallelism, similar to creating and using threads, but they have a few key differences and the main difference is that Tasks in .NET 4.0 don’t actually correlate to a new thread, they are executed on the new thread pool that is being shipped in .NET 4.0. More about task you can read here  but to understand this article all you need to understand about the Task<T> class is that th

Autocomplete control with ASP.NET MVC 4 and jQuery

Almost in each modern website project one of the feature is suggesting user possible items to select when he start typing one of them. Such functionality is done by using control named autocomplete . Under the hood  it consists of at least three elements: UI control which allow user to type some text - mainly this in HTML input of text type Server-side function which serves data to be auto-completed Client-side logic (written in JavaScript) which , by using AJAX, send request to the server asynchronously and then process the results. When we think about creating autocomplete control in ASP.NET MVC 4 we definitely should take a look at  jQueryUI framework. One of the feature of this framework is autocomplete control which enables users to quickly find and select from a pre-populated list of values as they type, leveraging searching and filtering. That sounds very good and is excellently what we are looking for. First step in autocomplete control  creation is creating a