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Showing posts with the label autocomplete

Autocomplete control with ASP.NET MVC 4 and jQuery

Almost in each modern website project one of the feature is suggesting user possible items to select when he start typing one of them. Such functionality is done by using control named autocomplete . Under the hood  it consists of at least three elements: UI control which allow user to type some text - mainly this in HTML input of text type Server-side function which serves data to be auto-completed Client-side logic (written in JavaScript) which , by using AJAX, send request to the server asynchronously and then process the results. When we think about creating autocomplete control in ASP.NET MVC 4 we definitely should take a look at  jQueryUI framework. One of the feature of this framework is autocomplete control which enables users to quickly find and select from a pre-populated list of values as they type, leveraging searching and filtering. That sounds very good and is excellently what we are looking for. First step in autocomplete control  creation is creating a