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Showing posts with the label XML

Creating API with MVC ApiController part 1 (with introducing to MVC design pattern)

Introduction to MVC In the last few years a software architecture changed very heavily. From desktop (forms) application which were very popular in Windows XP users move to SOA and now completely start using web based solution hosting in a cloud . Of course such evolution is not something bad, just the opposite in my opinion because web based application are highly scalable, better secured and available from each place in the Earth where user has an Internet connection. Such a big changes in software architecture cause that also programming model has to change. As response for this need, IT companies start working for on new technologies and improving existing ones. APIs became very popular tool  in a developer hands and whole communication became much more lightweight (by switching from XML to JSON) - mainly because the emerging market of mobile devices. In a new MVC version 4 also Microsoft introduce some improvements which allow developers creating web service...

Formatting XML in SQL Server 2008

Since SQL SERVER 2005 it is possible to store XML data in database by using dedicated data type - XML. This type solved many programming problems such storing XML data as simple text which was very unpleasant to maintenance  and detecting errors in document structure. Now stroring XML data is very simple and requires only the creation of column in XML data type. But sometimes we may want to do reverse operation. I mean generating XML document or fragment from non XML columns in a single SELECT statement. Of course SQL Server meets our expectations and allow to transform any results of SELECT statement (which always returns table) to XML structure. To start transforming selected results to XML format we must use FOR XML clause right after last statemnt in normal SELECT. For example instead of using: Code Snippet SELECT ProductNumber , Name , ListPrice , Color FROM Production . Product we should use: Cod...