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Showing posts with the label .NET 4.5

Asynchronous actions in ASP.NET

An asynchronous operations become very popular in modern programming because by using its developers can take full advantage of multicore processors and perform several operation at the same time. Multithreding exists in ASP.NET since 2.0 version but it was very sophisticated to use it. However starting from .NET 4.5, ASP.NET is fully compatible with all these great features . To demonstrate how to start with the asynchronous operation in ASP.NET 4.5 I`ve created very simple solution which consist of three projects (Picture 1.): AsyncPageService - REST service based on a ApiController ; provides function which will be called by the website. AsyncPageWebsite - main ASP.NET website. Contracts - contains shared type between service and website. Picture 1. Solution projects. In my solution data is served by very simple REST web service, which is build by using  ApiController  from ASP.NET MVC. Inside this I`ve created two controllers (first return N random integers and the sec