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Formatting XML in SQL Server 2008

Since SQL SERVER 2005 it is possible to store XML data in database by using dedicated data type - XML. This type solved many programming problems such storing XML data as simple text which was very unpleasant to maintenance  and detecting errors in document structure. Now stroring XML data is very simple and requires only the creation of column in XML data type. But sometimes we may want to do reverse operation. I mean generating XML document or fragment from non XML columns in a single SELECT statement. Of course SQL Server meets our expectations and allow to transform any results of SELECT statement (which always returns table) to XML structure. To start transforming selected results to XML format we must use FOR XML clause right after last statemnt in normal SELECT. For example instead of using: Code Snippet SELECT ProductNumber , Name , ListPrice , Color FROM Production . Product we should use: Cod...

Processing XML i SQL SERVER 2008

Many times our application uses data from external suppliers. These data, mostly recived by the Internet, is written in XML format and has different from our data mode structure. But it`s still very important for us so we want to process them by extracting data from. Of course we may procesing XML  documents in CLR or simple .NET project and than pass them to database but we should this about performance of each our solution. For example if we recieved 100MB XML  document from supplier and we processed them we still need to send those data to our database which means  that we have to pass data by the network- it`s very costly... Now assume that the same operation, connected with proccessing XMLdocuemnt, can be done in SQL SERVER side. Looks great don`t You? So let`s begin. First of all we should learn something more about three things: master.dbo.sp_xml_preparedocument : start preparing passed text as XML document ...