Let assume that we want to create a simple scheduler which allow user to plan meeting as long as he want with 1 minute precision. There is multiple ways to make such implementation but in this post I want to present an approach I used recently.
In my implementation I`ve created separated type which represents any time period. I called it Range and it`s consists of three properties (one is read-only). Main idea behind creating this time is encapsulate state and end date of used defined time period.
I`ve also created a Scheduler class. This class consists of only a few function as follow:
Not it`s time for implementation part. Before creating core implementation of the gaps finding algorithm we need to create a simple static (can be also non-static) which allow to detect overlaps in a given period of time. An overload method of this function takes two parameters of Range type.
Now its time for the implementation of the most important function in whole program - finding free gaps in time. Assumption in this algorithm is precision up to 1 minute so it`s means that seconds and milliseconds are not taken under consideration while processing. After validating validity of the input, edge DateTime parameters a new collection of integer is created. Collection of integers is noting else but number of minutes inside edge DateTime range. Inside the for loop i variable is incremented and value of i represents number of minutes since lower boundary.
After these functions have been created it`s time for test it.
Whole source code of the project is available here.
Thank you.
In my implementation I`ve created separated type which represents any time period. I called it Range and it`s consists of three properties (one is read-only). Main idea behind creating this time is encapsulate state and end date of used defined time period.
/// <summary>
/// Represents range in time.
/// </summary>
public class Range
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets represents range start time.
/// </summary>
public DateTime StartTime { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets represents range end time.
/// </summary>
public DateTime EndTime { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets range period.
/// </summary>
public TimeSpan Duration
return this.EndTime.Subtract(this.StartTime);
I`ve also created a Scheduler class. This class consists of only a few function as follow:
- AddRange - add new date range to the collection on booked ranges if new range don`t overlapping with any existing range.
- GetAllBookedDates - returns all booked date ranges as IReadOnlyCollection<Range> collection
- Overlaps (with two overloads) - bool value which determines whether two time ranges are overlapping each other - also four DateTime objects can be used.
- GetFreeTime - searching for not booked ranges of time for given time boundary.
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Picture 1. Program dependencies. |
Not it`s time for implementation part. Before creating core implementation of the gaps finding algorithm we need to create a simple static (can be also non-static) which allow to detect overlaps in a given period of time. An overload method of this function takes two parameters of Range type.
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Picture 2. Idea of overlapping a two time ranges. |
public static bool Overlaps(DateTime firstStart, DateTime firstEnd, DateTime secondStart, DateTime secondEnd)
return (secondStart >= firstStart && secondStart < firstEnd) ||
(secondEnd <= firstEnd && secondEnd > firstStart) ||
(secondStart <= firstStart && secondEnd >= firstEnd) ||
(firstStart <= secondStart && firstEnd >= secondEnd);
/// <summary>
/// Finds gaps in given time.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lowerBoundDate">Minimum date to get range for.</param>
/// <param name="upperBoundDate">Maximum date to get range for.</param>
/// <returns>Collection of free ranges.</returns>
public IEnumerable<Range> GetFreeTime(DateTime lowerBoundDate, DateTime upperBoundDate)
if (this.BookedDates == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("BookedDates can not be null");
if (lowerBoundDate >= upperBoundDate)
throw new InvalidOperationException("lowerBoundDate can not be greater or equals to upperBoundDate.");
if (!this.BookedDates.Any())
return new List<Range>() { new Range() { StartTime = lowerBoundDate, EndTime = upperBoundDate } };
var resultList = new List<Range>();
var delta = upperBoundDate - lowerBoundDate;
var totalRangeMinutes = Enumerable.Range(0, (int)delta.TotalMinutes).ToArray();
var currentDate = lowerBoundDate;
var currentRange = new Range();
Range freeRange = null;
for (var i = 0; i < totalRangeMinutes.Count(); i++)
currentRange = new Range() { StartTime = currentDate, EndTime = currentDate.AddMinutes(1) };
var overlappingRange = this.BookedDates.FirstOrDefault(c => this.Overlaps(currentRange.StartTime, currentRange.EndTime, c.StartTime, c.EndTime));
if (overlappingRange != null)
// Increment i to the end of current overlapping range.
i = (int)overlappingRange.EndTime.Subtract(lowerBoundDate).TotalMinutes + 1;
freeRange.EndTime = lowerBoundDate.AddMinutes((int)overlappingRange.StartTime.Subtract(lowerBoundDate).TotalMinutes);
freeRange = null;
if (freeRange == null)
freeRange = new Range() { StartTime = currentDate };
currentDate = lowerBoundDate.AddMinutes(i);
// Handle the case where we have free time until reach upper boundary.
if (freeRange != null && freeRange.StartTime > lowerBoundDate)
if (freeRange.EndTime < freeRange.StartTime)
freeRange.EndTime = upperBoundDate;
return resultList;
After these functions have been created it`s time for test it.
static void Main(string[] args)
var scheduler = new Scheduler();
scheduler.AddRange(new Range() { StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1), EndTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1).AddHours(1) });
scheduler.AddRange(new Range() { StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1).AddHours(4), EndTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1).AddHours(5) });
Console.WriteLine("Booked dates.");
var usedDates = scheduler.GetAllBookedDates();
Console.WriteLine("Free dates.");
var result = scheduler.GetFreeTime(DateTime.Today.AddDays(1), DateTime.Today.AddDays(2));
/// <summary>
/// Prints result to the console.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ranges">Ranges to</param>
private static void PrintDates(IEnumerable<Range> ranges)
foreach (var range in ranges)
Console.WriteLine("Start date: {0} - end date: {1}.", range.StartTime, range.EndTime);
Whole source code of the project is available here.
Thank you.